Category Archives: General

Conductor Humour

Have a little laugh at the expense of the conductors amongst us (no offence to any conductors reading this!).. and please feel free to comment… .                                              

Members Only!

When we originally started way back in 1999 our site was just for members. Around 10 years ago we allowed customers to buy individual pieces as we thought it would be a good opportunity to introduce them to the potential benefits of using the site. After some discussion amongst the team we are now going back to our… Read More »

Music Scores 12 Days of Christmas

Here at Music Scores we like to do things a little differently and as the 12 days of Christmas approaches we would like to count with you using our music associated connections to the original version. The first day of Christmas is on the 25th December until and including 4th January. Below is the original version of the… Read More »

Classical music interacting with the video game industry

This is an interesting article illustrating the diversity of classical music and its popularity in areas that you wouldn’t necessarily expect.  Media reports that classical music is dying, however millions of people are listening to hours of contemporary classical music every week, often without being aware of it…How? They are listening whilst playing video games. One of our Facebook… Read More »