Altenburg Sheet Music and Biography

Johann Altenburg, born on 15th June 1734, was a German trumpeter and organist. His father was a field trumpeter.
Try out our brass quartet arrangements of his Concerto which he originally arranged for seven clarion trumpets.
We have a few pieces of Johann Altenburg Sheet Music on
He is also well-known for his six harpsichord sonatas.
In 1795 Altenburg published Versuch einer Anleitung zur heroisch-musikalischen Trompeter- und Paukerkunst (An Essay on the Introduction to Heroic and Musical Trumpeters’ and Kettledrummers’ Art) (Halle), this enabled him to achieve his place within the music world. He collated all there was to know about the trumpet at that time.
Below is Altenburg’s Concerto in D Major for seven Trumpets. It is a lovely piece of music to listen to.
Johann Altenburg died on 14th May 1801 just before his 67th birthday.
Alktenburg Sheet Music Downloads and Further Reading
On we have a few pieces of Johann Altenburg Sheet Music all in PDF format for you to download.
For further information on this composer take a look at Wikipedia.
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